Labeling requirements for honey

pile of honey. jars


  1. Name and address of producer:

  2. LOT number (unnecessary for a small producer where each batch of honey is marked with a different best-before date that includes day and month, e.g. 1 May 2025).

  3. best before date

  4. Name of product: honey (with any other relevant descriptor), Comb honey, Bakers honey.

5. Weight metric (g) written before (lb) with a larger font size than imperial (lb): sizes 57, 113, 227, 340, 454g or multiple of 454g (minimal height 3 mm until above 113g. = 4 mm) no other abbreviations. Stating lb is optional.

6. Produced in which country, e.g. UK

Comb and section honey do not need to display a weight. The customer is responsible for assessing this before they buy.

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