Once you know you’ve lost something you are one step closer to finding it.

Four quizzes

  1. Spot the oddities find the objects that are neither hives nor plants

  2. Identify bee things - identify things - for experienced beekeepers

  3. Find the bugs - find insects on a ragwort plant

  4. Test your knowledge - a serious quiz to test your beekeeping knowledge

Spot the Oddity

Anything that is not polystyrene or vegetation counts

see the Home page


Apiary showing unusual things in the picture

1. Absent Cam buckle belt - used to secure the roof.
2. Rope - presumably from when my landlord’s sons were young
3. New type hive entrance
4. newspaper (I think)
5. Post from when I was experimenting with a windbreak idea.
6. Stacked hive stands (sneeky)
7. Plastic around some boxes - keeping acetic acid fumes in.
8. Pipe to support an umbrella.

9. DIY landing board
10. Hive number tag

11. Wonky support for umbrella.
12. Old-style entrance reducer. Has two slots in order to reduce the size of the entrance.
13. A flying bee
14. Marking fluid dribbled down the box, and some strange red mark.
15. Cam buckle belt securing a box which had not had walls glued together.

16. Red paint in handhold indicating that it is a Russian hive body that I was mis-sold. It is slightly too shallow, so works fine as the bottom box in a hive.

Where to find the answers to the photo identification

  1. Do rhododendrons and grape vines provide good nectar? look at flower pictures

  2. What is wrong with the brood? problems

  3. Are both bees on the flowers Western Honey bees? Insect pollinators

  4. What are the bees between the frames “thinking”? Inspections

  5. What are the little blue flowers? Flowers

  6. What is the yellow/translucent device? processing

  7. What sort of frame am I holding? National adjusted to fit a Longstroph

  8. What is the mesh and silver thing part of? innovations

  9. Japanese Anemone. It flowers in late summer and spreads slowly and tolerates some shade but resents moving. There are white and pink varieties. A lovely flower.

  10. How many species of nosema exist? It is classified as what sort of organism? organisms is it a part of


>> A serious test of your knowledge  >

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