A couple of quizzes for when you get bored.

Quiz 1. Fun for everyone.

Spot the Oddities

Look at the photo on the home-page. Find things that are not polystyrene hives and plants. Spy 16 odd marks, homemade, incongruous, and missing things. Answers

Quiz 2.

For experienced beekeepers

  1. Do rhododendrons and grape vines provide good nectar?

  2. What is wrong with the brood?

  3. Are both bees on the flowers, Western Honey bees?

  4. What are the bees between the frames “thinking”?

  5. What are the little blue flowers called?

  6. What is the yellow/translucent device?

  7. What sort of frame am I holding?

  8. What is the mesh and silver thing part of?

  9. What flower is the Bumblebee fondling?

    If you know the answers. Wow! You’ve got precognition.

brood laid by drone laying queen
bee on flower side profile
Bee, probably solitary bee
A few bees are filling the gaps between the frames but they do not seem very disturbed
Plant with small blue flowers that look like For-get-me-nots
A Curtain clearing device
Inspecting a frame covered with bees
A bumble bee on a flower - Japanese anenome
Part of the disc that is part of a manipulation board
